- 2 Cold Scorpio
- 911
- Abdullah the Butcher
- Mike Adamle
- Brian Adams
- Brooke Adams
- Gary Albright
- Bill Alfonso
- The Alliance
- Anarchy Rulz
- Arn Anderson
- C.W. Anderson
- Kurt Angle
- Scott Antol
- Brad Armstrong
- Asylum Arena
- Tony Atlas
- Stone Cold Steve Austin
- Mike Awesome
- The Bad Breed
- The Bad Crew
- Badd Company
- The Bad Street Boys
- Ricky Banderas
- Trent Barreta
- Doug Basham
- Nicole Bass
- Dave Batista
- Rodney Begnaud
- Mike Bell
- The Bella Twins
- Stephanie Bellars
- Salvatore Bellomo
- Shelton Benjamin
- Reggie Bennett
- Chris Benoit
- Nancy Benoit
- Matt Bentley
- Big Guido
- Big Show
- Bam Bam Bigelow
- Tully Blanchard
- The Blue Meanie
- The Blue World Order
- Bodies (Drowning Pool song)
- Rick Bognar
- The Boogeyman
- Evan Bourne
- Monty Brown
- Bubba the Love Sponge
- Mike Bucci
- Barry Buchanan
- Bull Pain
- King Kong Bundy
- Paul Burchill
- Elijah Burke
- Tim Burke
- The Bushwhackers
- Tommy Cairo
- Don Callis
- Chris Candido
- Dino Casanova
- Chastity
- Chris Chetti
- Chilly Willy
- Tony Chimel
- Christian
- Jimmy Cicero
- Steve Corino
- Jim Cornette
- Corporal Punishment
- Justin Credible
- Caylen Croft
- Scott D'Amore
- Lou D'Angeli
- Shawn Daivari
- Damián 666
- Dangerous Alliance
- Christopher Daniels
- December to Dismember (1995)
- December to Dismember (2006)
- Jimmy Del Ray
- Bill DeMott
- Johnny Devine
- Tony DeVito
- Paul Diamond
- Simon Diamond
- Simon Diamond and Johnny Swinger
- Julio Dinero
- Rebecca DiPietro
- Danny Doring
- Danny Doring and Roadkill
- Double Tables
- Shane Douglas
- DC Drake
- Tommy Dreamer
- Darren Drozdov
- Big Dick Dudley
- Chubby Dudley
- Dances with Dudley
- Dudley Dudley
- Snot Dudley
- Spike Dudley
- The Dudley Boyz
- The Dudley Brothers
- Bobby Duncum, Jr.
- The Dupps
- Rene Dupree
- Anthony Durante
- Bill Eadie
- Bobby Eaton
- ECW Anarchy Rulz (video game)
- ECW Barely Legal
- ECW Crossing the Line Again
- ECW CyberSlam
- ECW December to Dismember
- ECW FTW Heavyweight Championship
- ECW Hardcore Revolution
- ECW Hardcore TV
- ECW Heat Wave
- ECW Maryland Championship
- ECW on TNN
- ECW One Night Stand (2005)
- ECW One Night Stand (2006)
- ECW Originals
- ECW Pennsylvania Championship
- ECW World Heavyweight Championship
- ECW World Tag Team Championship
- ECW World Television Championship
- ECW: Extreme Music
- Layla El
- El Zorro
- Elektra
- The Eliminators
- Armando Estrada
- Jorge Estrada
- Extreme Championship Wrestling
- EZ Money
- Eiji Ezaki
- Fandango
- Ed Farhat
- Sam Fatu
- Rob Feinstein
- Dave Finlay
- Adam Flash
- Doug Flex
- Mick Foley
- Angela Fong
- Francine Fournier
- Alicia Fox
- Tatsumi Fujinami
- The Full Blooded Italians
- Lori Fullington
- Dory Funk, Jr.
- Terry Funk
- Doug Furnas
- Doug Furnas and Phil LaFon
- The Gangstanators
- The Gangstas
- Marty Garner
- Gedo
- Joel Gertner
- Robert Gibson
- Doug Gilbert
- Eddie Gilbert
- Duane Gill
- Tod Gordon
- Terry Gordy
- Tarzan Goto
- Gran Hamada
- Gran Naniwa
- The Great Khali
- The Great Sasuke
- Vic Grimes
- Todd Grisham
- Johnny Grunge
- Chavo Guerrero, Jr.
- Eddie Guerrero
- Héctor Guerrero
- Guilty as Charged
- Johnny Gunn
- Scott Hall
- Chris Hamrick
- Hammerstein Ballroom
- Stan Hansen
- Hardcore Heaven
- Hardcore History
- Hardcore Homecoming
- Hardcore Justice (2010)
- Barry Hardy
- Matt Hardy
- Harris Brothers
- The Headbangers
- The Headhunters
- The Headshrinkers
- The Heavenly Bodies
- Gregory Helms
- Mark Henry
- Ulf Herman
- Paul Heyman
- Ikuto Hidaka
- Brian Hildebrand
- John Hindley
- Horace Hogan
- Daniel Hollie
- Crash Holly
- Hornswoggle
- Malia Hosaka
- Johnny Hotbody
- Lance Hoyt
- Jon Hugger
- Curtis Hughes
- Devon Hughes
- Missy Hyatt
- The Impact Players
- Insane Clown Posse
- The Invasion
- Bill Irwin
- J.C. Ice
- Ezekiel Jackson
- Jado
- Jenna Jameson
- Marty Jannetty
- Jazz
- Chris Jericho
- Johnny Jeter
- Junkyard Dog
- Juventud Guerrera
- Kane
- Damien Kane
- Kouhiro Kanemura
- Kelly Kelly
- Brian Kendrick
- Mike Khoury
- Kid Kash
- Kofi Kingston
- Michael Kirchner
- Jason Knight
- Mike Knox
- Ivan Koloff
- Vladimir Kozlov
- John Kronus
- La Parka
- Phil LaFon
- Lenny Lane
- Bobby Lashley
- Jerry Lawler
- Brian Lee
- Mark Lewin
- Steven Lewington
- List of ECW pay-per-view events
- List of Extreme Championship Wrestling alumni
- Lita
- Living Dangerously
- HC Loc
- Vito LoGrasso
- Mark LoMonaco
- Theodore Long
- Jerry Lynn
- Mabel
- Mack Daddy Kane
- Balls Mahoney
- Dean Malenko
- Joe Malenko
- Tony Mamaluke
- James Maritato
- Pablo Marquez
- Sherri Martel
- Andrew Martin
- Shelly Martinez
- Mass Transit incident
- Massacre on 34th Street
- Bruiser Mastino
- Josh Mathews
- Joey Matthews
- Lauren C. Mayhew
- Beulah McGillicutty
- Vince McMahon
- Angel Medina
- Rosa Mendes
- Men's Teioh
- Metal Maniac
- Hack Meyers
- Chris Michaels
- Cody Michaels
- Taka Michinoku
- Butch Miller
- The Miracle Violence Connection
- Mr. Águila
- James Mitchell (manager)
- The Miz
- Shannon Moore
- Morgus the Maniac
- John Morrison
- John Morrison and The Miz
- Ricky Morton
- Mosh
- Masayoshi Motegi
- Don Muraco
- Dick Murdoch
- Trevor Murdoch
- Jamal Mustafa
- Rey Mysterio
- Jim Neidhart
- Natalya Neidhart
- New Jack
- P.N. News
- Osamu Nishimura
- Jamie Noble
- Kevin Northcutt
- November to Remember
- NWA Bloodfest
- Conor O'Brian
- Ray Odyssey
- One Man Gang
- Atsushi Onita
- Angel Orsini
- Ricky Ortiz
- Matt Osborne
- Glen Osbourne
- Carl Ouellet
- Chuck Palumbo
- Miguel Pérez, Jr.
- A.J. Petrucci
- PG-13
- Philadelphia
- Brian Pillman
- The Pitbulls
- Jim Powers
- Tom Prichard
- Dawn Marie Psaltis
- Psicosis
- The Public Enemy
- Val Puccio
- CM Punk
- Buck Quartermain
- Raven
- Raven's Nest
- Reckless Youth
- William Regal
- Rhino
- Dustin Rhodes
- Dusty Rhodes
- Tommy Rich
- Stevie Richards
- Rikishi
- The Rise and Fall of ECW
- Road Warrior Hawk
- Jake Roberts
- Justin Roberts
- Tim Roberts
- Rocco Rock
- Rockin' Rebel
- Tommy Rogers
- Jim Ross
- Axl Rotten
- Ian Rotten
- Rick Rude
- Zack Ryder
- Sabu
- Sabu and Rob Van Dam
- Jasmin St. Claire
- Kazuo Sakurada
- Sammy the Silk
- The Sandman
- Ricky Santana
- Tito Santana
- Gabe Sapolsky
- Bruno Sassi
- Perry Saturn
- Ric Savage
- Rip Sawyer
- Byron Saxton
- Otto Schwanz
- Shaggy 2 Dope
- Sheamus
- Jinsei Shinzaki
- Sid
- David Sierra
- Harry Slash & The Slashtones
- Chad Slivenski
- Norman Smiley
- Davey Boy Smith
- David Hart Smith
- J.T. Smith
- L.A. Smooth
- Tracy Smothers
- Gene Snitsky
- Al Snow
- Jimmy Snuka
- Soulman Alex G
- Lester Speight
- Louie Spicolli
- Doug Stahl
- Jim Steele
- Rick Steiner
- Scott Steiner
- The Steiner Brothers
- Tony Stetson
- Devon Storm
- Matt Striker
- Joey Styles
- Dave Sullivan
- Kevin Sullivan
- Scotty Summers
- Super Caló
- Super Crazy
- The Super Destroyers
- Jack Swagger
- Johnny Swinger
- Tammy Lynn Sytch
- Yoshihiro Tajiri
- Masato Tanaka
- Pat Tanaka
- Yoshi Tatsu
- Scott Taylor
- Terry Taylor
- Tazz
- Sylvester Terkay
- Taryn Terrell
- Estella Marie Thompson
- Kevin Thorn
- Thrasher
- Joe Thunder
- Tiger Mask IV
- Dick Togo
- Towel Boy
- Trinity
- The Triple Threat
- Jerry Tuite
- Ultimate Jeopardy
- UltraClash
- The Unholy Alliance (ECW)
- Luna Vachon
- Greg Valentine
- Mike Vallely
- Vampire Warrior
- Rob Van Dam
- Paul Varelans
- Jack Victory
- Violent J
- Nikolai Volkoff
- Kerry Von Erich
- Kimona Wanalaya
- The Warlord
- Abraham Washington
- Katarina Waters
- Erik Watts
- Timothy Well
- Biff Wellington
- Mikey Whipwreck
- Chad Wicks
- Billy Wiles
- "Dr. Death" Steve Williams
- Luke Williams
- Kendall Windham
- Larry Winters
- Gary Wolfe
- Wolfie D
- Wrestlepalooza
- X-Fly
- Christian York
Source of the article : Wikipedia